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Talk about whether fish oil can reduce triglycerides!

2021-12-24 17:12:49

The ability of fish oil capsules to regulate blood lipids depends on two of the most familiar fatty acids in fish oil, docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA).

DHA EPA can effectively promote the metabolism of lipids in the human intestine, especially the metabolism of saturated fatty acids. Therefore, they have a certain role in regulating blood lipids.

How is the effect of reducing blood lipids of fish oil?

Through the above mechanism of regulating blood lipids, we can know that fish oil mainly promotes the metabolism of lipids in the intestine. What are the main components of lipids produced in the intestine? The answer is clear -- triglycerides. Therefore, the omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids in fish oil mainly promote the excretion of triglycerides. Therefore, under normal circumstances, for friends with high triglycerides, you can take high purity fish oil to adjust.

 refined fish oil

How to identify the best fish oil capsules?

① Look at the color, the higher the purity, the more transparent, less impurities.

(2) If it is clear bright, it is of high purity, if it is cloudy, it is of low purity. This is because the unsaturated fatty acid DHA in omega3 have a low melting point, those with low purity are more likely to freeze.

The above is the relevant content of Vesicom fish oil manufacturers for you to introduce, I hope to help you, want to know more about the content of refined fish oil, you can directly consult the company's website customer service!


Jiangsu Wesikang Food Technology Development Co.,

Service hotline:0517-87309219

The company address:27 Dongyi Road, Hongze County Economic Development Zone, Huai 'an City, Jiangsu Province


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Service support:Xiangyun Platform Huaian Co. LTD

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